To prepare for and respond to disasters, crisis, and other emergencies, Lidè has historically provided Education in Emergencies (EiE) training on the effects of crisis, conflict and traumatic situations on learning as well as the use of active and creative pedagogies to foster recovery and build resiliency. Our “Education for Recovery and Resiliency” training has been provided to communities, schools, and organizations such as Digicel Foundation in Haiti, and RUWAAD in Jordan and Lebanon.  During Hurricane Matthew, Lidè was called in to provide psychosocial support and training for FONKOZE and for teachers and administrators at 21 schools in the South of Haiti.

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we provided trainings in our communities and schools, on topics including:

  • Emotional, cognitive and social impacts to students from the combined lockdowns from violence and COVID

  • Strategies/pedagogies for healing trauma while improving learning

  • Self-care and coping for educators

  • Physical health — COVID prevention and detection and

  • Impacts of malnutrition and hunger on learning and behavior

Lidè has also responded to disasters by creating “safe-spaces” for girls that include recovery support and resiliency building through the arts as well as an informal education program. This was how our programs in the South of Haiti brought support and learning back for girls ages 6 to 21 who were displaced from homes and schooling from Hurricane Matthew.  The Safe-Space response program then transitioned into one of our year-round programs for adolescent girls and now continues to serve more than 200 adolescent girls.